Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Goals.

I normally don't like New Year's resolutions.  You are just setting yourself up for failure.  With that said, I am setting a couple of kayak goals for 2011:

1.  Kayak at least once in every month of 2011.
2.  Write in this blog at least once in every month of 2011.

If I do number one, I should be able to do number two easy enough.  Come to think of it, I just took care of number two for January.  Now I have 30 days to find a paddle.

Happy paddling!


Kayaking on the Oroville Afterbay.

1 comment:

  1. OK. I'll try this again. The first time the comment didn't make it through...

    I think I'll stick to not making any resolutions for now.

    Here is an idea. Instead of just kayaking once a month, how about kayaking in a different waterway each month or a different county? OR... how about kayaking in a different boat each month. Your fleet is big enough for that, right Admiral? :P
